Wednesday, October 4, 2017

View Your New Workstation as an Investment, Not a Liability

How does a business determine when to purchase a new workstation? What factors should be considered? Further, it is not uncommon for the finance department to ask, “Do we really need a new workstation?” The real question isn't do you need a new workstation, but can you afford not to have one. 

The foundation of a successful business depends on understanding and controlling Return on Investment. Simply put, technology is an investment and examining its ROI can help determine whether or not it’s time to purchase a new workstation.

Some Examples of ROI are:
Productivity: The mantra of time is money is still as valid as ever. When your performance is hindered by the bottle-neck of an outdated workstation, then it is time to purchase a new workstation. When you invest in a new workstation, you increase productivity, and an increase in productivity leads to growth in company profits.

Useful Life: While computers are more durable than ever, there will be a situation in which software or hardware will fall below minimum requirements; usually within 3-5 years. When this happens, its value becomes reduced, and a new workstation will need to be purchased. This is the reality of technology; it becomes obsolete; however, you can plan for the future. When purchasing a new workstation, ensure it has an upgrade path. An upgrade path will allow your new workstation to be viable longer and further increase your ROI.

By considering how technology can increase your ROI, as opposed to a drain on your resources, you can better decide when it is time to purchase a new workstation. A business which treats technology as an asset as opposed to a liability can leverage their IT department's wisdom to benefit the company's bottom line. 

Call us today at 607-287-5532, and we will work with your team to evaluate your hardware and software needs. Together we will develop a plan to transform your use of technology into an investment tool, leading to increased productivity and overall profits for your business. 

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